Multiple Internal Reflectance Testing HDPE Container

HDPE Container
  • Multiple internal reflectance testing of HDPE containers performed with the help of an FTIR instrument.
  • Cut the sample HDPE container for the specimen sample
  • Set the wavelength 3800 to 650 cm-1 in FTIR Instrument
  • Set the FTIR in transmittance mode
  • RUN the instrument background
  • Take HDPE reference standard sample
  • Make the path of standard
  • Scan the HDPE reference sample
  • After the standard scan the graph is plotted then the sample name path created
  • The specimen sample placed in the sample cabinet
  • Then scan the sample
  • The specimen graph is plotted
  • Compare the reference standard with the HDPE container Sample
  • Then the observation is
  • The corrected spectrum of the specimen exhibits major absorption bands only at the same wavelength as the high-density polyethylene reference standard spectrum.

Why Multiple Internal Reflectance Testing 

its testing is important for the identification of material. which type of material is used for making HDPE containers. its FTIR instrument plots all moleque of material spectra. It defines the molecule structure of material.

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